We offer our clients integrated web computing and communications using Microsoft .NET. Enabling creation of truly distributed Web Services that integrate and collaborate with a range of complimentary services. we enable our clients to have unique control over how, when and what information is delivered to them. Our solutions help Computers, devices and services to collaborate with each other instead of being isolated islands with Web surfing being the only form of integration.
Businesses can offer their products and services in a way that let’s customers and suppliers seamlessly embed them in their own electronic fabric of business processes and daily activities.
Our solutions leverages Microsoft's .NET Framework for application development providing visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication and the ability to integrate a range of business processes.
Our experience & expertise in .net technology and process allow us to deliver business solutions you want. Our client enjoys comprehensive and consistent software development outsourcing services from our development center in India. We offer services under various business models:
- Microsoft .Net Development
- Microsoft SharePoint Services
- Microsoft BizTalk Server
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Microsoft Dynamics
- Microsoft Commerce Server