In these volatile global scenarios for energy markets, stakes are getting bigger & more challenging for the biggest Oil and Gas firms around the world contributed by
- Large capital at higher risks due to highly volatile pricing & coupled with low margins
- Stringent & often changing regulatory guidelines make the operations even more complex
- Hugely varied crude qualities and extensive supply chain requirements make managing refinery operations even more complex & needing critical control at every stage.
- The extremely large amount of data from needed to be processed & stored makes qualitative reporting and analysis a tough tasks at management levels.
Gagellan Global Solutions helps Oil and Gas firms address complexity through solutions which can effectively collect data from oil wells to retail outlets, integrate different parts of value chain to gain transparency provide tools and solutions to effectively analyze data.
Helping Gagellan address complexity is a team of technologists working with the domain experts in the areas of analytics, enterprise resource planning, product engineering services and portals and content management solutions to leverage technology for meeting the business goals.
Our key advantages:
- Experience of working with world’s largest retail firms to bring their best practices to Oil and Gas retail outlets
- A unique energy trading practice working closely with financial experts to bring financial services best practice to energy trading
- A strong domain team with experience working in refineries, Oil and Gas retail and energy trading
- Strong presence and relationship with Oil and Gas firms in India, Middle east and Southeast Asia, unique among all the offshore firms
- A strong team of Domain experts from Oil & refinery industry which can easily align with the technical teams to provide path breaking & feasible solutions.