SCAPI Product
Global supply chains are highly complex, with diverse stakeholders, varying interests, and involves many third-party intermediaries – challenges that Gagellan product SCAPI is well suited to drive efficiency with security and high scalability. Our SCAPI Blockchain API helps to track product lifecycle and ownership transfer from its origin to the store shelf, as it changes hands between the manufacturer, warehouse, wholesaler, retailer and consumer. SCAPI helps automate each business transaction, enabling a more direct relationship between each participant by enabling payments and transferring legal ownership between parties.
SCAPI further enables the sharing of information between exporters, importers and their respective banks L/C on a secure block chain-based platform It allows trade deals to be executed automatically through a series of digital smart contracts.SCAPI Solution helps Sales Order processing, production control, procurement & inventory management, warehouse & transportation, track and trace, customs collaboration, trade finance and payments.
Our CAPI CRM product assists receiving and protecting the customer-specific sensitive data, transferring verified documents, and activity logs through the digital nodes with secured cryptography. CAPI helps narrow down the customer demand from respective markets and assist in allocating resources to specified markets.
CAPI uses Blockchain technology to leverage existing data structures while securing the processes providing confidence in the data acquired. The blockchain technology is highly secured as the chain encryption connecting the nodes offer improved resilience, encryption, auditing, and transparency.
Capital Market
We provide Blockchain solutions for trade pricing, trade capture and processing API’s, for Institutional to integrate and interface with third party products like Murex , Calypso, SunGard Front Arena, MISYS Kondor for trading processes like:
- Trade Lifecycle Management.
- Risk Management & Compliance.
- Confirmations and Settlements.
- Accounting Module.
- Front Office and Back office Functions.
- Pre-Trade and Post-Trade Solutions
We give Business consulting on Blockchain solution for Capital market products.
- Interest Rate Derivatives: Interest Rate Swaps, Cross Currency Swaps, Caps/Floors, FRAs, Inflation Swaps, Total Return Swaps, Exchange Traded Futures & Options, Swaptions, Bond Options.
- Credit Products: Credit Default Swaps (single name + basket), Credit-linked Notes, Credit Default Obligations.
- Securities: Discount securities, Fixed Bonds, FRNs, Callable Bonds, Hybrid structures.
- Funding: Bond Repos, Term Loan/Deposits, At Call Deposits.
- Front Office and Back office Functions.
- Cashflow Profiles from Other Systems.
Risk Management
Our Risk Management solutions offers powerful and secured data management, comprehensive analytics and enhanced regulatory reporting and disclosure capabilities to help you reap maximum returns on your investment, both now and in the future.